Weak and strong plant head
For a good harvest, you obviously want as many strong plant heads, as you can see in the picture. It is important to take the right actions to avoid weak plants heads. Especially labor and environment are important factors.
Download the fact sheet for more information about the actions you can take to go from a weak to a strong plant head.
Oidium neolycopersici
Fact sheet Oidium neolycopersici (powdery mildew or white mold)
Vegetative and generative bunch
What to do
Botrytis on leaf stump
How to avoid Botrytis
Weak and strong plant head
Which actions to take

Oidium neolycopersici
Oidium neolycopersici (powdery mildew or white mold) is a typical tomato disease with the following symptoms:
- White powdery spots top side of the leaf
- At the level of the white spots the leaf tissue becomes yellow, later necrotic (brown)
- Similar spots can be found on the stem

Vegetative and generative bunch
You can observe between the two types yourself ànd do something about it. A generative truss stem is bent downwards, just like the first flower. In a vegetative bunch, the truss stem is right and upwards growing. With proper labour, environmental settings, irrigation and a number of other actions, you can ensure that you move from vegetative to generative bunches. Download the factsheet for more information.

Botrytis on leaf stump
Botrytis or poorly removed leaf occurs when the fracture surface of the stem is rough. The removal was done incorrectly or with poor material. A proper pruning technique, good conditions (not too wet) and good material are crucial to avoid Botrytis.
Download the fact sheet for more details on the prevalence of Botrytis.

Weak and strong plant head
For a good harvest, you obviously want as many strong plant heads, as you can see in the picture. It is important to take the right actions to avoid weak plants heads. Especially labor and environment are important factors.
Download the fact sheet for more information about the actions you can take to go from a weak to a strong plant head.